Begleitseminar zu Abschlussarbeiten AIS (2S, BA-INF-061, MA-INF 0402)
Prof. Dr. Sven Behnke
Dienstags 14 (c.t) - 16 Uhr
Endenicher Allee 19a, Raum 0.042
- 25.3.21 16:00 Moritz Zappel: "Objektposenschätzung mit Keypoints und Part Affinity Fields"
- 17.3.21 12:00
Cand. M.Sc. Andreas Boltres (KIT) "Data-driven Learning of Spatial Latent Dynamics"
- 5.3.21 13:00 Peer Schütt: "Spatio-Temporal Semantic Segmentation using Sparse Permutohedral
- 2.3.21 13:00
Mojtaba Hosseini: "Hybrid Locomotion and dynamic jumping for wheeled quadrupeds
using Model Predictive Control"
- 2.3.21 10:15
Gianmarco Roggiolani (La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy) "Developing of an IMU frontend for a Position Tracking System"
- 17.2.21 16:30 Viviane Becker: Active Learning on Real-world Data"
- 16.2.21 13:00
Martin Link: "Predicting physical properties of objects in bin picking scenarios"
- 15.2.21 14:00
Moritz Miebach: "3D dense volumetric fusion using Lidar Scans"
- 22.1.21 13:00
Bruno Scheider: "Robust and Multi-modal Alignment with the Deep Inverse Compositional
- 15.1.21 11:30 M.Sc. Marie Jung (Hochschule Trier): "Kontaktlose Blutdruckmessung mithilfe von Radartechnik und
Machine Learning"
- 20.11.20 13:00,
Andre Rochow: "Novel View Synthesis from Single and Multiple Cameras"
- 18.11.20 13:00,
Patrick Lowin: "Learning Category-level Coordinate System for 6D object Pose Estimation"
- 4.11.20 15:00, Philipp Allgeuer: "Analytic Bipedal Walking with
Fused Angles and Corrective Actions in the Tilt Phase Space"
- 15.10.20 12:00, M.Sc. Angel Villar Corrales (Univ. of
Erlangen-Nuremberg): "Pose Based Image Retrieval in Greek Vase
- 14.10.20 14:00, Hafez Farazi: "Perception
in Collaborative Robot Environments: From classical methods to deep
supervised and self-supervised models”
- 14.10.20 13:00, Oleg Kosenko: "Indoor Robot Navigation Using Lane
Division and Future Prediction"
Es gibt eine Liste für die Vortragsankündigungen, in die sich
Interessierte gern eintragen können: Link zur Listenverwaltung
Begleitseminar im
Sommersemester 2020
Begleitseminar im Sommersemester 2021
Bonn, Institute
for Computer Science, Departments: I, II, III,