Universität Bonn: Autonomous Intelligent Systems Group  Comouter Science Institute VI: Autonomous Intelligent Systems


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University funded position for Postdoc or PhD student

Job offer: Here.

Postdoc and fully funded PhD positions

The Autonomous Intelligent Systems Group of University of Bonn invites applications for multiple Postdoctoral and fully funded PhD positions.

Candidates should have a background in one of the following research areas:

Candidates for Postdoctoral positions must hold a PhD with very good results in computer science, robotics, electrical engineering or a related field. Top-level publications and good organizational skills are important. Successful candidates will have the opportunity develop their own research agenda and at the same time contribute to the ongoing projects listed below, guiding PhD students and master students. Payment will be according to TV-L-E14 52,000-66,000 Euros per annum, depending on experience.

Candidates for PhD positions must hold a very good university Master's degree in computer science, mathematics, electrical engineering, or a related field. A strong mathematical background and programming skills are necessary. Successful candidates will conduct focused research towards a PhD in Computer Science and contribute to one of the ongoing projects listed below, guiding master and bachelor students. Payment will be according to TV-L-E13 44,000-51,000 Euros per annum, depending on experience.

Applications in PDF format should be sent by email to behnke @ ais . uni-bonn . de with the subject line "Postdoc Application AIS" or "PhD Application AIS". Please indicate in your cover letter your main achievements, the research area or project where you want to contribute, and your availability date. A list of publications and transcripts must be included. There is no application deadline. Positions will be filled as soon as possible.

Autonomous Intelligent Systems Group:

The University of Bonn has a long tradition in computer vision and robotics research and multiple outstanding groups in these areas. The Autonomous Intelligent Systems Group, headed by Sven Behnke, has developed award-winning cognitive robot systems,including domestic service robots, autonomous micro aerial vehicles, humanoid soccer robots, robots for mobile manipulation in rough terrain, bin-picking robots, and robots for intuitive human-robot interaction. Contributions include deep learning architectures and learning algorithms, efficient methods for RGB-D and laser-based SLAM, semantic environment perception, robot navigation, object manipulation and tool use, bipedal walking, multimodal human-robot interaction, and learning from demonstrations and own experience.

Ongoing Projects:

University of Bonn has an international Master in Computer Science Programme where you can specialize in Robotics. All lectures are in English. Excellent students can be supported by research or teaching assistant jobs.
Further information: http://master.cs.uni-bonn.de

More information on the Federal City of Bonn: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonn

Student jobs

For research projects in the area of robotics, we are looking for student research assistants.
Please contact sekretariat@ais.uni-bonn.de.

 DE     University of Bonn, Institute for Computer Science, Computer Science VI - Intelligent Systems and Robotics    Imprint    Data Privacy Statement