20th RoboCup International Symposium 2016: Invited Speakers

Keynote Martin Riedmiller

Google DeepMind, UK


Intelligence Scores Goals - Machine Learning for Autonomous Robots

Martin Riedmiller

Abstract: In 1998, the Brainstormers entered the RoboCup Simulation League with the goal to investigate the usefulness of machine learning methods in intelligent soccer playing agents. I will review our approach of an intelligent control architecture that was applied successfully in four different RoboCup leagues. A particular focus will be put on neural network based reinforcement learning methods, which was our core technique from the very beginning. I will discuss more recent developments of Deep Reinforcement Learning in the context of moving towards general Artificial Intelligence.

Biography: Martin Riedmiller joined Google DeepMind in 2015 as research scientist. He received a Diploma in Computer Science in 1992 and a PhD on Self-learning Neural Controllers in 1996 from University of Karlsruhe. He has been a professor at TU Dortmund (2002), University of Osnabrück (2003-2009), and University of Freiburg (2009-2015) where he headed the Machine Learning Lab. His general research interest is applying machine learning techniques to interesting real world problems. His RoboCup team Brainstormes won five international competitions in the 2D Simulation and MiddleSize leagues.

Presentation Slides: RoboCup_Symposium_2016_Presentation_Martin_Riedmiller.pdf
